CILG Lunch Seminar: "So What" - Reflections on the Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change


Description of the seminar

On March 29, 2023 the UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution by which an Advisory Opinion was requested from the ICJ on the obligations of States in climate matters. This is one of three parallel initiatives (the other two involve requests submitted to ITLOS and to the IACHR) and it will be the first opportunity for the ICJ to express its views on this subject. Although advisory opinions do not have the same binding force as decisions resulting from a contentious procedure, historically they have been influential instruments to address a wide variety of matters. In many instances, they have been able to modify state behavior, lay the groundwork for future negotiations, influence national and international adjudicators, as well as the interpretation and application of existing rules of international conventional and customary law. This seminar will provide an opportunity to discuss the possible implications of the upcoming ICJ Advisory Opinion taking into account the specific political and legal issues associated with an opinion that would address States’ obligations in the context of the fight against climate change.


Venue: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, Meeting room 8, 4th floor, room 6B.4.04, South Campus, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S and Online on Zoom (link will be provided after registration)

Time: 12:00-13:00

Registration: Please click here