Lunch Seminar with Filippo Garelli

Table with a computer and some water

Lunch Seminar: The Green Climate Fund as a tool for integrating sustainable development and human rights law in the context of climate change actions

The seminar aims to explore part of the PhD candidate’s research on the GCF, and it will focus on three main issues.
First, it will briefly recall the main milestones that led to the establishment of the GCF, the adoption of its governing instrument during COP 17 in Durban and its essential function in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Second, the seminar will focus on the operational modalities of the GCF, the legal criteria and policies used in practice, the accrediting bodies involved - such as NGOs and the private sector - and the function played by the GCF’s independent monitoring mechanisms.
Ultimately, it will be shown that, in the implementation of the objectives of Article 2 of the Paris Agreement, the GCF could serve as a tool for integrating sustainable development and State’ human rights obligations in a complementary way to other legal instruments, such as Climate Rights Litigation or States’ climate framework laws.

Filippo Garelli - PhD candidate in Public, Comparative and International Law - Sapienza University of Rome (Department of Political Science)

Filippo graduated in Law in 2019 from Roma Tre University. In 2020 he obtained a Master’s degree in International Protection of Human Rights at Sapienza University of Rome with honours, discussing a final dissertation entitled “Ancestral lands and indigenous people: the evolution of the law on collective property in the inter-American legal system”.
Since January 2022, he is a PhD candidate in Public, Comparative and International Law (International Order and Human Rights),
at the Department of Political Science of Sapienza University. Its PhD thesis focuses on the topic “The Green Climate Fund and the promotion of private investments for sustainable development”.
Filippo has written several publications, mainly related to the protection of human rights, the environment and climate change.
His main research interests concern the practice of UN bodies and the international case law of Regional Human Rights Courts.
From March 2023 to date, he has been working with the association A Sud Onlus for the first Italian Climate Rights Litigation lawsuit, the “Giudizio Universale” case, collaborating with the legal team and the international partners involved.
Filippo also serves as a volunteer for several Italian associations, such as the Italian Red Cross and Legambiente, a non-profit organization devoted to environmental protection.


Venue: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, Justitia meeting room (Meeting box) 7A.2.04, 2nd floor, South Campus, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S and Online on Zoom (link will be provided after registration)

Time: 12:00-13:00

Registration: Please click here