CILG Lunch Seminar: Mapping Investor - State arbitration as an avenue for climate change litigation

lunch seminar

Recent years have seen increased attention on the role that the global stock of over 3000 international investment agreements may play in disputes about the allocation of costs of the transition to net zero. The novelty of this area has led to uncertainty about the number of climate-relevant arbitrations under Investor-State Dispute Settlement systems, and the conceptual boundaries that could be used to determine which of these cases should be considered as part of the global body of “climate change litigation”. This research conducts a comprehensive global review of cases and classifying these into a modified version of the typology of cases initially developed. Case studies in each category are analysed and discussed alongside reflections regarding the potential future growth and direction of litigation.


About the presenter:

Matteo Fermeglia is Assistant Professor in International and European Environmental Law and Post-Doctoral Assistant at Hasselt University, Faculty of law, where he teaches European Environmental Law and European Climate & Energy Law. His main research interest lies in the interplay between international investment law and the climate change legal regime. In 2017, he was visiting scholar at Columbia Law School, where he collaborated with the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law and the Columbia Centre for Sustainable Investments. He regularly (co-) authors internationally peer-reviewed journal articles in the field of environmental and climate law, and was awarded the Raúl Estrada-Oyuela Award for Emerging Scholars in Climate Law in 2017 by Lexxion publishers.


Venue: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, Meeting room 8, 4th floor, room 6B.4.04, South Campus, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S and Online on Zoom (link will be provided after registration)

Time: 12:00-13:00

Registration: please click here