CILG Lunch Seminar: The practice of the Caribbean Small Islands Developing States

lunch seminar

The practice of the Caribbean Small Islands Developing States on the Consent Regime for Marine Scientific Research under UNCLOS

State practice is a tool for treaty interpretation evidencing the progressive development of international law and the contemporary understanding of a treaty by its Member States. Whereas reports on State practice generally focus on the perspective of the big players, this presentation examines the practices of the Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) or Large Ocean States on the framework governing marine scientific research (MSR) under UNCLOS. MSR projects have been increasingly stimulated to improve knowledge of oceanic processes, assess the state of the ocean and address anthropogenic impacts such as biodiversity loss, overfishing, marine pollution, and sea level rise. It is regulated mostly in Part XIII of UNCLOS with the consent regime at the heart of the rights and obligations concerning MSR in areas under national jurisdiction. The practices analysed were sourced from documents (laws, guidelines and policy instruments) and responses to questionnaires by government officials from the Caribbean SIDS revealing which activities have been considered MSR, their jurisdictional claims and their contribution to the interpretation of pre- and post-cruise obligations. 


About the presenter: 

Luciana Coelho is a Brazilian lawyer pursuing a PhD at the World Maritime University with an interest in the law-science-policy interface. She holds a MSc in Environment, Politics & Society from UCL, a Master of Law from the University of Brasilia and an LLB from the Dom Bosco University. She has experience working with NGOs like Sea Shepherd Legal and Oceana. She is a board member of the Brazilian Institute for the Law of the Sea (BILOS) and the Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI).


Venue: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, Meeting room 8, 4th floor, room 6B.4.04, South Campus, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S and Online on Zoom (link will be provided after registration)

Time: 12:00-13:00

Registration: please click here