Lessons for Offshore Wind Development: Best Practices from Denmark and beyond


Renewable energy sources are a central component for the decarbonisation of the energy sector, thereby providing an essential contribution to the mitigation of climate change. Offshore wind, both with fixed foundations and floating, is deemed to be a central technology, and it is expected to expand substantially in the next decades. Accordingly, new technologies and practices in offshore wind are developing rapidly to cater for the need to accelerate such technology globally.

As a first-mover in offshore wind energy, Denmark, and its renewables industry, has proven itself to be a global leader in offshore wind development. Against this backdrop, this roundtable will bring together experts from the renewables industry, who will share challenges and best practices in developing offshore wind in Denmark and beyond.

Program: To download the program, please click here.

For registration, please fill out this form

Venue: 8A-0-57 (Flex Room) - at The Faculty of Law, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S and online via zoom