Lunch Seminar Series: Decommissioning Offshore Energy Structures and Sustainability

Coffee for lunch seminar

The Centre for International Law and Governance (CILG), Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen is hosting a lunch seminar on the 23rd of February 2022. At the seminar, Associate Professor Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui (Faculty of Law, University of Bergen) will present his research on Decommissioning of Offshore Energy Structures and Sustainability.

Decommissioning and recycling offshore energy infrastructures (OEI) is a massive business. Although much of the material from oil and gas rigs is recycled, and despite decades of experience in OEIs decommissioning in the North Sea, a focus on circularity is missing. Law may play a part in incorporating it.

Through the presentation, Associate Professor Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui will discuss central concepts in decommissioning (where the obligation to decommissioning comes from, who has to decommission and related liability issues) and compare the rules for oil and gas installations and wind turbines, to determine any divergences between the industries. He will also present the current regulatory landscape applicable to offshore decommissioning in the North Sea, with a focus on the role of legal research and regulatory frameworks to increase the sustainability of decommissioning operations.

For registration, please click here - no later than Monday 21 February 2022 at 9:00