Lunch Seminar Series

Lunch Seminar picture

Understanding the conceptual differences between corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability

The Centre for International Law and Governance (CILG), Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen is hosting a lunch seminar on the 23st of May 2022. At the seminar, Assistant Professor Jaime González Masip (Department of Organization Engineering, Business Administration and Statistics, Polytechnic University of Madrid) will present his book chapter entitled “Corporate Sustainability, Business Sustainability, or Corporate Social Responsibility: Some Relevant Criteria for Choosing the Right One”.

Despite the high academic and business interest in corporate sustainability and everything related to the impact of organizations on their social and environmental environment, there is still a notable confusion between the concepts of corporate social responsibility, corporate sustainability, and even business sustainability. This presentation will introduce common aspects and differentiating elements between these concepts, which allow researchers and practitioners to understand the existing literature on the topic and to propose lines of work and research in an appropriate manner, according to its objectives and analysis perspectives. Also, a set of criteria and recommendations to adopt an appropriate perspective and contribute to a more logical convergence in the use of the terms will be shown.

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Time: 23rd of May 2022, 12.30 – 13.30  

Venue:  Room 8-6B-4-04 at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen and online