CILG Lunch Seminar

Lunch seminar

Marine planning: A passport to the Oceans of the future?

The Centre for International Law and Governance (CILG), Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen is hosting a lunch seminar on 11 August 2022. At the seminar, Professor Anne-Michelle Slater will present her latest research entitled: Marine planning: A passport to the Oceans of the future?

10 years after marine planning legislation was passed in Scotland, this seminar will examine how it is working in practice: have the policy drivers changed; what are the key issues and what impact has it made to marine governance and conservation?

The wider context includes challenging Scottish climate change targets, a drive for offshore renewable energy and an overall increase in pressure on oceans and coasts. The regulatory landscape has previously been described as a ‘horreddogram’ of international, national and local law and policy. In Scotland, the position is complicated by devolution and Brexit, yet the seas and Oceans are arguably one of the most important resources for this part of Great Britain.

The presentation will discuss recent research on the effectiveness of the marine planning system. It will consider the options for the future of marine planning for Scotland in terms of independence, re-joining the EU or remaining part of GB. Opportunities to develop transboundary marine planning, knowledge exchange and lessons from terrestrial planning will be explored.

The presenter 

Anne-Michelle Slater profile

Anne-Michelle Slater is a Professor of Planning and Environmental Law at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Her recent research has focused on the implementation of the marine planning system and its intersection with key policy drivers including climate change, offshore renewable energy and the links with terrestrial planning. 

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Date and Time: 11 August 2022 at 12.00-13.00

Venue: Online via zoom (link provided upon registration) and Room 8-6B-4-04 at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen.