Maria Edith Lindholm Gausdal

Maria Edith Lindholm Gausdal


Medlem af:

    Primary fields of research

    Commercial contract law, torts law, infrastructure, railway law, private and public standards, private governance, sustainability, CSR, international labour law, human rights, the interface between private law and public regulation,  global value chains, Scandinavia as a private law example in national and transnational research. 

    Current research

    I am currently conducting the railway and regulations project (postdoc)

    Teaching and supervision

    Torts and contract law, contract law, labour law, transportation and logistics, energy supply from a torts and contract law perspective, compliance and responsibility in the public sector.

    Selected publications

    Gausdal, Maria Edith Lindholm. Soft Law Business as Usual? : Fundamental Labour Standards in Private and Public Commercial Contracts. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, 2021

    Gausdal, Maria Edith Lindholm. "Breaching the Interpretative Wall between Private and Public Commercial Contracts: Scandinavian Case Law on Fundamental Labour Standard Clauses in Public Contracts" European Review of Contract Law, vol. 16, no. 4, 2020, pp. 511-532. 


    Member of the organising comittee for the Sustainability Hub (team supporter) 

    Presenter for GreenSolutionsCentre 

    Member of the GreenLab Network

    ID: 182569185