How to protect your invention by cautious conduct, IPRs & patent rights.

Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typerForedrag og mundtlige bidrag

Timo Minssen - Foredragsholder

HealthZup - ideas for life: New course for academic innovators developed by the Faculty of Health Sciences at UCPH. The course is based on the Stanford concept of "Biodesign - The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies”, see: ; Datalogisk Institut, room 4-0-17 (Library), Universitetsparken 1, 2200 København.

HealthZup - ideas for life: New course for academic innovators developed by the Faculty of Health Sciences at UCPH. The course is based on the Stanford concept of "Biodesign - The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies”, see: ; Datalogisk Institut, room 4-0-17 (Library), Universitetsparken 1, 2200 København.
7 maj 2013

Begivenhed (Konference)

TitelHealthZup - ideas for life
AfholdelsesstedDatalogisk Institut, room 4-0-17 (Library), Universitetsparken 1, 2200 København.

ID: 45668126