Salvatore Caserta

Salvatore Caserta

Associate Professor


International Dispute Resolution and International Courts, Public International Law, International Human Rights, and Sociology of Law.

Current research

I am a socio-legal, interdisciplinary scholar. I am fascinated by the role of law, lawyers, and international institutions in shaping global society.

My research shows how the authority of international courts is not dependent on formally delegated powers, but impinges on their capacity to embed their practices in the socio-political dynamics at play in their institutional and socio-political contexts. I subsequently applied these insights to explain how international law and institutions have broader societal impact and the socio-political dynamics accounting for that.

Currently, I am investigating the role of international organizations in countering the ongoing democratic decay and rule of law backsliding in many countries of the world. 

I am also interested in studying how the legal profession is shaped and evolves in the light of several societal dynamics, such as the judicialization of international politics, the rise of a digital society, and the development of the welfare state. 


ID: 40102051