13 July 2022

New visitor at CeBIL - Luca Rinaldi

1 August - 30 September 2022

Luca Rinaldi is a PhD student at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento (Italy), with a scholarship on IT law funded by Fondazione Bruno Kessler, a multidisciplinary research center known for the development of ICT solutions for healthcare. His research project deals with the impact of some advanced applications of artificial intelligence on fundamental rights, with a special focus on healthcare-related rights and issues raised by algorithmic discriminations. He also has a keen interest in free speech matters related to social media and automated content moderation, a topic on which he wrote some papers, and in issues related to data protection, in particular when processings and transfers of healthcare data are involved. At university, he is in charge of teaching activities in the courses of constitutional law and EU law, and, during the last semester, he has collaborated on the organization of the first edition of an innovative course of AI law.

Before starting his doctoral research, Luca obtained a Master of Laws at the University of Trento, spending two long periods abroad while studying, respectively at the Universities of Alcalá de Henares (Spain) and Antwerp (Belgium). At CeBIL he is willing to deepen his knowledge on biomedical innovation law through the exchange with the researchers who work in the centre and acquire inspiration and food for thought to boost his doctoral work. Luca is also a qualified lawyer, admitted to the Italian bar.
