10 June 2022

CeBIL engages with the Quantum Future

CeBIL director Timo Minssen speaks at Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and organizes quantum seminar with Stanford Fellow Mauritz Kop.

In a recent report from January 2022, the World Economic Forum predicts that “quantum computing will help provide significant advances in computing capabilities and will have a considerable impact on improving the state of the world in the coming years. It could have a revolutionary impact on human well-being, national security and global society, along with potential commercial applications across industries”.

Following the AI developments, quantum technology can also be expected to be the next big thing for researchers investigating the ethical, legal, societal and policy implications (ELSPI) of new technologies.

 Stanford Fellow Mauritz KopOn June 8th CeBIL therefore engaged in discussions of the ethical, legal, social and policy implications of Quantum Technology.  In a 1-hour CeBIL seminar Stanford Fellow Mauritz Kop spoke about “Quantum-ELSPI: A Call for a Quantum Governance Actprovided an overview of the most crucial ELSPI challenges posed by the new developments in quantum technology.

On the same day, Timo Minssen then participated in a highly interdisciplinary panel debate about “The Quantum Future” at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. Mauritz Kop and several CeBIL members and research partners joined a very intensive discussion about this emerging area of high-impact technology.